Paper Submission

Paper Submission Process

To submit papers, visit iConf Submission System and submit a paper for the conference labeled ICACER 2025 (you will need to create a new account, if you do not have one already). Submitted papers must fit into 8 pages, including an abstract (less than 200 words), while additional pages will be permitted at the cost of $80 per additional page if exceed 8 pages (A maximum of 12 pages for one paper is acceptable).

All manuscripts should follow Author Guidelines for manuscripts as listed at

Review Process

ICACER uses a double-blind review process. Criteria for paper evaluation include relevance for the conference, importance of the topic, soundness/quality of analysis and evidence, organization, contribution to theory and practice, and overall quality of the paper.

Publication Process

At least one listed author of the final paper must register for and attend ICACER to present the paper, and published in the conference proceedings. One registration is valid for only one paper.

Submission instructions for final papers will be in the acceptance letter to the authors.


  1. Paper Submission
  2. Manuscript Guidelines
  3. Call for Papers

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