Call for Papers

We invite the submission of applied research papers to the ICACER 2025, which will be held in Nice on April 7-9, 2025. For further information, visit

The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to, the following:


  • • Wind, solar, biomass and geothermal energies
    • Ocean energy harvesting
    • Energy efficiency in buildings and appliances
    • Smart grids and microgrids for green electricity
    • CO2 capture and storage
    • Fossil-fuel power-stations with CO2 sequestration
    • Underground and gas-network storages
    • Future high-capacity energy-storages
    • Future battery technologies
    • Power-to-gas/gas-to-power-solutions
  • • Green fuel/energy for mobility
    • Efficient long-distance transmission in supergrids
    • Efficient AC/DC/AC energy conversion
    • Sector coupling for energy creation and storage
    • Sector coupling at the consumer side
    • Coupling conventional with green power stations
    • Measuring and filtering harmonic oscillations in smart grids
    • Network stability before/after energy transition
    • Critical smart-grid states and counter measures